Here’s How Hackers Can Find your WordPress Username

So you've taken pains to hide your WordPress login and admin screens from hackers. You've changed your default usernames and removed all mention of them from your theme. You're safe right? There's no way that hackers can find your login pages, let … [Continue reading]

Remove Author Information from Twenty Sixteen Theme

Even though the default WordPress theme is highly customizable, there are many things that you cannot change directly. For example, every post will show the author's name and gravatar next to it on the left-hand side, as shown here: Author Name … [Continue reading]

Fix the WordPress White Screen of Death in Seconds

This tutorial shows you how to recover from a WordPress white screen of death in the future. If you're looking at one right now, there's no shortcut. You need to manually reset your theme, disable your plugins, or both. But if you want to be prepared … [Continue reading]

WordPress Code Snippets Tutorial

Often when you try and solve a problem with WordPress, you'll come across sites giving you snippets of code to insert into your website. But if you're new to the platform, you'll have no idea where to paste this code. This quick … [Continue reading]

WordPress Child Theme Tutorial – With Pictures

If you're going to make changes to your theme, the accepted practice is to create a child theme. The reason is that when the designer releases a newer version of the theme, all the files in the directory are replaced - including those … [Continue reading]

Why you Should Create a WordPress Custom Plugin for Code

You'll often find custom code snippets on various websites, asking you to paste them into your theme's functions.php. While this is useful, it's risky because WordPress will overwrite your code with the next theme update. The standard advice is to … [Continue reading]

Why Use Custom Post Types in WordPress?

The use case scenarios for custom post types are not always obvious. WordPress already has the "category" functionality, and you can also have child categories. So what's the problem? Why would you want to create an entirely new custom post type … [Continue reading]

How to Disable WordPress Plugins Manually

When your WordPress site suddenly crashes, it's time for quick action. Perhaps you've just installed a bunch of plugins at once or changed their code. Now you're facing the famous WordPress "White Screen of Death" and you don't know what to … [Continue reading]

How to Set the Front Page in WordPress with Screenshots

WordPress started as a blogging tool, which means that by default, the homepage displays a list of all your posts in reverse chronological order. But this doesn't make much sense for a business since you want it to show your homepage … [Continue reading]
